What crazy weather we are having this week. It is like four seasons in one week! All the lovely rain we have had is making the region look so wonderful and our sporting fields are looking magnificent. Congratulations to the two football teams who won their Grand Finals on the weekend, well done.
This week we have opened a survey to the community regarding the tourism of the Forbes Shire. We are using the Council’s “Your Say” platform to gather the community’s feedback. It is so important we plan for tourism and ensure we have the right facilities and attractions to create a unique and sustainable holiday destination. We have always believed Forbes is best suited for year-round tourism, not just one or two events. That is where the sculptures and our beautiful waterways come into play, they are accessible all year round.
When the pandemic resolves and travel is again permitted, the competition will be fierce among destinations. We want to stand out from the crowd!
Plans have begun for celebrating NAIDOC this year. It will take place on 13 November and will be a little different with numbers limited to 150, and the schools will be unable to join the public gathering. They will celebrate the day at their respective schools. We are calling on award nominations so be sure to look at our website for more details. Until next week,
God Bless.
Your Mayor Phyllis Miller