Forbes will host a ‘Sidestep, Speed & Fast Feet Clinic’ on Saturday, 4th March hosted by Red Bend JRLC. Designed for rugby union, rugby league, touch and oz tag players from eight years and up.
During the two-hour clinic, your child will learn:
• Fast footwork that is a must to confuse and trick their opposition, improving your child’s game dramatically.
• The technique of 2 different types of side steps that the professionals use to leave the opposition grabbing for air and enabling your child to score more tries.
• How to develop single-leg power which will add explosiveness to your child’s sidestep and their speed.
• The exact stretches that will improve performance and reduce the risk of injury.
• How to perform a proper warm-up so they can increase their performance on the field.
• Gain the knowledge on how to get develop fast feet, speed and a killer sidestep for seasons to come.
Spots are filling fast, so register now at