Families are being reminded to download their new Active Kids voucher and save $100 per child on sport and recreation activities.
Minister for Sport Alister Henskens said a new Active Kids voucher became available on 1st January and would help ease pressure on family budgets.
“It might be the middle of summer, but winter sport registration is heating up and now is the perfect time for families to turn their attention to their new Active Kids voucher,” Mr Henskens said.
“The NSW Liberal and Nationals Government’s Active Kids program has turbocharged sporting participation across NSW, with more than 4.85 million vouchers redeemed, saving families $481 million.
“It’s the largest grassroots sport funding initiative in the nation and is driving enormous increases in participation across all sports.”
The NSW Government recently extended the Active Kids voucher program to include school holiday sports and recreation activities. The expansion of the program has contributed to a 40 per cent increase in voucher creation compared to the same period last year.
“It’s clear that NSW families have embraced the Liberal and Nationals Government’s Active Kids program and its expansion to include school holiday programs has been a hit.”
Families can access their child’s Active Kids voucher via the Service NSW app or website, attending a Service NSW Centre or by calling Service NSW on 13 77 88. For further information on the Active Kids Program, visit www.sport.nsw.gov.au/active-kids.