Forbes’ second Walk to Defeat Motor Nuerone Disease (MND) attracted more than 150 walkers for the event held last Sunday. These numbers were an increase on the inaugural walk held last year and although many of the walkers were locals, fifty of the participants travelled from Orange to attend and participate in the day. Orange resident, Nicky Turner, who has MND, came to Forbes to participate and was excited to see an event of this type held in country NSW. Pat Duncan, the driving force behind the event, was very pleased with the numbers and was grateful to local businesses, including major sponsor Duncan Stockcrates, and volunteers for their generosity
and support.
Motor neurone disease (MND) is the name given to a group of diseases in which the nerve cells (neurones) controlling the muscles that enable us to move, speak, breathe and swallow undergo degeneration and die. MND can affect a person’s ability to walk, speak, swallow and breathe and the walk is an opportunity to raise awareness for this disease. MND is a progressive, terminal neurological disease that can strike anyone.
There is no known cure and no effective treatment for MND. Each day in Australia two people die from MND, and in addition, two people are diagnosed each day. Kaylah Tulloch was the lucky 1st Prize winner of the raffle which was drawn on the day and walked away with $750 cash. Lyn Henley claimed 2nd Prize and L Talbot took home 3rd.