Pool opens tomorrow: The opening of the Forbes Town Pool had to be delayed by a week due to flooding in the Shire last week. Access to the pool was difficult because of the floodwater, and the delay was necessary to give Council time to complete the clean-up before the opening.
Floodwater health hazards: Forbes Shire Council is warning residents to be alert to potential health hazards associated with floodwater. Floodwater can be affected due to overflows of sewage and chemical contaminates
that can cause illness or infection. Residents should avoid any unnecessary contact with floodwater or mud. Mayor
Graeme Miller said it was especially important that children did not play in floodwater. Always wear gloves when handling flood affected items and wash hands thoroughly after participating in clean-up activities. Any cut or abrasion should be treated with antiseptic and covered immediately. If a wound develops any redness, swelling
or discharge, seek immediate medical assistance. If you develop severe diarrhoea or vomiting, seek immediate medical assistance. Mosquitoes could also present a risk. “Residents should cover up as much as possible and apply repellent every couple of hours if outdoors,” the Mayor said.
Waste collection: Forbes Shire Council has organised special waste collection arrangements until floodwaters recede. For flood affected residents, the service will resume as soon as trucks can access properties. Some delays in garbage collection are being experienced due to road closures. Residents are asked to leave their bins on the kerb until they can be collected. Individual collections for severely flood effected properties may be organised with Council on a case by case basis. The annual Bulk Waste Clean-Up started on Monday, and another pick-up has been scheduled for the week beginning Monday, 24th October. This will give residents the opportunity to dispose of any items damaged during the flood. For more information or questions, please call the Environmental Services and Planning Department on 6850 2344.
Softball season: Registration day and social game on 13th October 6 – 7:30pm at Forbes Golf Club fields. Games to be played at same time every week. Fees are $80 for adults and $60 for juniors. Register as team or as an individual. Contact Isabel Haley on 0428 139 360, or forbessoftball@yahoo.com.au
Forbes Community Safety Art Competition: The competition is open to students from Forbes and Bedgerabong. K-6 theme is community safety in your neighbourhood and 7-12 theme is raising awareness about
domestic violence/ positive relationships. Artworks can be digital, painting, drawing or other medium. Competition closes 21st October.