Stork News: Austin Liam Breen was born at 5:30am on 17th June weighing 8lb 1oz, 52cm long in Parkes. He is the second son for Clynt and Kristi Breen and baby brother for Clifford. He is the grandson of the late Cliff Bradley and Jan Bradley of Forbes and Ian and Mary Breen of Canowindra.
Forbes Women’s Sewing Group: If you would like to learn how to sew, the Forbes Youth and Community Centre is now home to the Forbes Women’s Sewing Group once a week. The group meets from 10am to 3pm each Wednesday and is led by Cherylin Cole. Each session is a gold coin donation and Cherylin teaches each person individually. So far women involved have learnt to make quilts, handbags, pillow cushions, wheat bags, library bags and
curtains. Participants can sell their creations at the Forbes Lions Club Car Boot Sale each month. For more information about the Forbes Women’s Sewing Group, contact Cherylin Cole on 6857 3346.
Forbes Neighbourhood Watch: The Neighbourhood Watch BBQ will be on 23rd July at IGA from 10am to 2pm. National Tree Planting Day is on 30th July from 10am to 1pm followed by a BBQ at the Central West Livestock Exchange. The Neighbourhood Watch Information trailer will be at both venues. Volunteers will answer any queries about community involvement. We need more volunteers, please come to our next meeting on 1st August at 7.30pm at the Forbes Services Memorial Club. For further information contact Lyn Ward on 0417 536 619.
Eisteddfod concludes with Grand Concert: After nine days of competition the dance group sections finalised the 2016 Eisteddfod. Eisteddfod Committee Treasurer, Karyn Glennan was very pleased with the dance sections. More than 100 dancers performed in about 850 routines. The
Forbes Eisteddfod attracts competitors from throughout New South Wales bringing financial benefits to our local business and community. The Committee are now preparing for the Grand Concert tomorrow at 7pm at the Forbes Town Hall. The concert will feature approximately 30 acts that will give the audience a fantastic overview of the eisteddfod. Tickets are still available at $15 for Adults, $10 for Pensioners and $5 for children aged 5 to17years. For bookings contact Jan Facey on 0438 461 867 or Marian Barrass on 0427 729 254.