Parkes Early Childhood Centre Inc
Many thanks to Parkes Que Club Inc for your ongoing support towards our PECC Speech and Language Program. Your commitment to helping us to achieve best outcomes for our PECC children is greatly appreciated.
Central West Police District
Are you looking for a new career? Central West Police District is a great place to live and work.
And there are now even more reasons to join the NSW Police Force! You’ll be paid $30,000 as a recruit, and upon graduation receive a starting salary of over $80,000 plus allowances. If you’re ready to explore over 100 different career paths, start your application today
Forbes Medicine & Mind
We are now taking bookings for flu vaccination clinics in April, Wed 17th (school holidays spots for kids) Tue 30th. To book 6852 2667 – appointments are limited.
Parkes Jockey Club
Expressions of Interest – Market Stalls
Parkes Jockey Club are currently taking Expressions of Interest from market stall holders wishing to secure a site at our Parkes Cup meeting on Sunday 19th May. Further info & EOI form can be accessed via the following link
Forbes Youth Action Team
FYAT Presents: Forbes Drive in Movie
Join us on Friday 12 April at the Ski Dam for our Drive In Movie to kick off Youth Week watching TAG. Tickets Available per vehicle at Gates Open at 6pm for the movie to start at 7. FYAT will be giving out popcorn. You can even bring your own snacks if you wish. This event is funded by the Office for Regional Youth’s Holiday Break Program.
NSW Government
Stay up to date with all current warnings through the Hazards Near Me app – OR visit The Bureau’s website:
If you live, work or regularly travel in a flash flood area, there may be no official warning for flash floods.
Stay out of rising water, look for safety in the highest available place.
Prevent damage to your vehicle. Move it under cover, away from areas likely to flood.
Avoid being swept away. Stay out of fast-flowing creeks and storm drains.
Never drive, ride or walk through flood water. Flood water can be deceptive and dangerous.
In life threatening emergencies, call 000 (triple zero) immediately.
If you require rescue, assistance to evacuate or other emergency help, call the NSW SES on 132 500.
Trundle ABBA Festival
Mamma Mia, here we go again. Tickets and camping for Trundle ABBA Festival 2024 went on sale from 10am on Saturday 6 April. Stay tuned for more info and don’t forget to sign up to our newsletter:
Lachlan Valley Vets Forbes/Grenfell
Introducing our amazing new vet Dr. Ayla.
Ayla is off a farm in Hamilton Victoria and studied at JCU Townsville, graduating at the end of 2023. Ayla loves all animals great and small, with a special interest in sheep medicine.