Forbes Red Cross Fundraising
Some people will be door knocking in the Forbes area. They will be selling tickets in a raffle, and have a fun day of indoor bowls on April 4 at the Forbes Youth Centre. Red Cross Calling is major international fundraising campaign that has been running for over 65 years. It supports the everyday work of Red Cross workers such as a daily phone call for people living on their own, or
a phone call to farmers. The Forbes Red Cross Emergency Services have been
training to help people in an emergency like floods, drought, bushfires, storms and earthquakes.
Did you know if you are on Centrelink or a low income you may be eligible for a no interest loan from the No Interest Loans Scheme?
Become a Lions Club member today!
The Forbes and District Lions Club is urging anyone who is interested in volunteering some time when available to assist in fund raising ventures for the many needy causes in our Community. Lions Club members welcome new members who can assist in any way with as little or as much time available. “It is very rewarding and enjoyable, working alongside very caring people who give their time to help somebody else in the community have a better
quality of life,” said Forbes Councillor Chris Roylance.
Forbes Widows Support Group
The Forbes Widows Support Group (Motto – Life is Precious – Handle with Care) gathered for their February Luncheon on Tuesday February 23 at the Forbes Services Memorial Club. Our Quote for this month is from Lynne Kooij – “Wishing you yesterday’s promises, today’s dreams and tomorrow’s blessings.” We welcomed Jean Graham to our group and we hope that she will be happy living in Forbes. A hearty Happy Birthday was sung to Mary McKeon, Frances Hoply and Colleen Clifton who celebrated their special day during the month of February. During our Luncheon we discussed a possible bus trip out to the Tullamore Irish Music Festival on the 26th
March. It should be a fun day for all. Our next Luncheon is on March 22nd – 12 noon at the Forbes Services Memorial Club. All welcome.