STORK NEWS Congratulations to proud parents Gabe and Brad McMillan on the arrival of Robey John Miller McMillan. Robey was born on Tuesday 13th July 12.32pm weighing 8lb1oz.
Congratulations to the lucky winner of our first Forbes Phoenix competition! Marie Lambert has taken home a family pass to Taronga Western Plains Zoo for two adults and two children.
Riding for the Disabled: The first local volunteer training day for Riding for the Disabled will be held at Sahara Park Riding School — 79 Amaroo Lane, off Bedgerebong Road — on Wednesday 22 July at 10am, followed by a sausage sizzle. Volunteers are urgently needed to instigate this valuable opportunity in Forbes so that our disabled children can experience the benefits that horse-riding has proven capable of bringing them. Even if you’re not a horseperson you can still help with other jobs such as cleaning and fitting helmets and boots for the riders, making and serving refreshments and many other support roles. The training day is necessary for volunteers to learn how to assist in all safety aspects required to get these children safely prepared and mounted on the horse. For more info, please call Veva MacCullagh on 0427 511 770 or Helen Morris on 0407 863 464.
If you’re into a leisurely sip of red or white, put August 28 into your diary and head out to the Forbes Youth and Community Centre from 6.30-8.30pm to taste the best entries in the 2015 NSW Small Winemakers Wine Show. You’ll have the chance to taste some of the best wines produced by the state’s smaller winemakers, and believe us, tasting their best tipples is worth much more than the $25 entry fee.
Annual Astrofest and Conference will be held in Parkes on Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th July. Enjoy a host of lectures and an astrophotography exhibition for astronomers. For further information phone 02 6861 1777.