Congratulations to Forbes High School’s NAIDOC Debating Team who came Runners Up in the State Competition
at Sydney Parliament House earlier this month. While they were in Sydney, the students enjoyed a cruise around Sydney Harbour and a dinner on Cockatoo Island. Well done!
With temperatures rising it is important to be aware of the damage the sun can do. Remember to Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek and Slide when out and about. You can check the UV level for your area by using the SunSmart UV Alert app or checking the Bureau of Meteorology Website. Have a safe summer!
The Forbes community gathered to Light the Night on Sunday 22 November in Victoria Park, raising over $3,400 to support and raise awareness for individuals and families suffering from blood disorders.
Calling for volunteers! The Find It In Forbes This Christmas Festival is on Saturday 5 December from 9am to 2pm and the committee is looking for volunteers to help out on the day. They need help setting up and ensuring things run smoothly. If you can lend a helping hand, contact Jess at
or on 0407 380 936.
Citizen of the Year Award nominations are now open in Forbes Shire providing the perfect opportunity to recognise the hard work of volunteers within the community. The awards recognise and reward those Forbes community members who have a consistent record of excellence, who have made outstanding achievements in their
field and have contributed in a significant way to our community. Nominations are open until 5pm Monday 18 January, with forms available at Council’s administration office at 2 Court Street, or online at
Did you know eating Christmas cake can support the community? Buy a Lions Christmas Cake or Pudding this year and you will be supporting the local community. Cakes have been a major fundraising project of Lions Australia since 1965, raising in excess of $52 million overall. All proceeds from the cake sales are used by the Lions Club for community and humanitarian projects. Cakes are available at a number of local retailers, including NRMA,Forbes Shire Council, Lakeside Takeaway, St George Bank and Baa Moo Oink. They will also be available at the Carols by Candlelight in Victoria Park. The Forbes & District Lions Club is grateful for your support.