The Sky Muster NBN satellite was launched last Thursday in South America. When operational, the satellite broadband service will cover more than 400,000 homes and businesses across Australia. The second NBN satellite is scheduled for launch in early 2016 and users will be able to connect broadband and voice services following beam commissioning and product testing. “The wait for access to the National Broadband Network is almost over for many remote communities,” Federal Member for Calare John Cobb said.
Real Men Move is a government initiative designed to get men who are over 40 years of age off the couch. Member for Orange Andrew Gee says the program was created to inspire men to increase their participation in physical activity, and that it provides exercise options for all interests and fitness levels. The Real Men Move website offers ideas on how older men can start exercising immediately in the comfort of their own home, the social and health benefits of exercising in a group and resources for community groups such as Men’s Sheds to get their members
moving. Check it out at
Friends of the Hospital held their meeting on Friday 2 October at the Forbes Services Memorial Club. They excitedly discussed the opening of the newly refurbished hospital and looked forward to continuing to provide
much needed medical equipment with the support of our generous community. Friends of the Hospital will be at the Opening Day and a collection tin will be inside the foyer to take donations.
Australia Post will honour international humanitarians, all who have been officially honoured by Australia for their acts of courage, compassion and leadership: Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela and Raoul Wallenberg.
Congratulations to the winners of the Destination Forbes promotion. The lucky people were Genevieve Howard winning first place, Kaye Griffiths taking second and Leanne Lewis winning third prize.
1500 volunteer mentors are needed by Christmas to deliver The Smith Family’s 2016 iTrack online mentoring program, an initiative providing guidance to high school students on their post school options. Anyone considering becoming a volunteer mentor is urged to sign up to make a positive difference in a student’s future. The program
will commence in two bursts in May and July next year. The mentoring relationship will run for 18 weeks. Register now at