The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) is reminding school leavers of the importance of sharing the road safely with trucks, ahead of graduation festivities over the coming weeks.
A recent study conducted by the NHVR, surveyed 1000 drivers aged 16-25 across Australia and highlighted the disconnect between young drivers’ self-assessed confidence and their actual comfort level sharing the road with heavy vehicles.
The survey revealed that just 29% felt very knowledgeable about the rules, bringing to light a real risk as an influx of school graduates prepare to travel to Schoolies events across the country.
NHVR CEO Sal Petroccitto OAM said while heavy vehicle safety is not a usual topic of discussion amongst young people, the NHVR’s goal is to bring the conversation to life, and help teach inexperienced drivers how to safely share the road.
“This year alone, Australia has recorded 167 fatal crashes involving heavy vehicles and 190 lives lost,” Mr Petroccitto said.
“Our studies show many young drivers experience anxiety or nervousness driving near heavy vehicles, and with our road toll only continuing to rise, this is a huge cause for concern.
“Typically, around 70 per cent of serious incidents involving both heavy and light vehicles are the fault of the light vehicle, highlighting the need for greater education with our young drivers.
Don’t #uck With A Truck is a campaign created by the NHVR last year, to improve young drivers’ awareness and education of how to drive safely around trucks.
The campaign will also feature on social media (TikTok, Instagram), Spotify and outdoor billboards throughout the duration of Schoolies
For more information