State Member and Shadow Minister for Police Paul Toole MP is calling on the Federal and NSW Labor Governments to work together immediately to provide major upgrades to railway crossings across NSW.
The upgrades needed are about improving railway crossing safety in regional areas and reduce serious and fatal accidents that have a devastating impact on communities.
These upgrades should include installation of the latest technology and safety equipment such as retro-reflective boom gates, audible warning devices, updated signage and LED flashing lights increasing the visibility of crossings on both sides of the roadway in response to approaching trains.
Over the past 13 years there have been more than 80 collisions involving trains and vehicles at level crossings in NSW alone.
Member for Bathurst Paul Toole has said this should be a priority for the Government.
“The Labor Government needs to look at improving railway crossings across regional areas before someone else dies,” Mr Toole said.
“It is time for the west to get its fair share of investment from the Government. I call on NSW and Federal Labor Governments to take some action immediately.
“Wherever you travel across the west, be it Taree, Parkes, Molong, Forbes or Wellington, there are rail crossings simply not up to standard.”
Mr Toole said “The need for these improvements has become increasingly evident, given the growing volume of rail and road traffic and the critical role that railways play in the state’s economy.”