Rain rain and more rain. Well yet another exiting month in the livestock
markets with some record prices being experienced.
The month of June has seen some more significant rises in both
sheep and cattle markets and this has all came down to the supply
and demand factor.
On the sheep and lamb front we are seeing dwindling supply and
drastic decreases in quality which, in turn, is seeing the prime condition
livestock attract premium prices.
This week we have seen the first of the new season 2nd X suckers
enter the market and attract strong competition and receiving up to
$160 or $6.50 to $6.80c/kg. We are still seeing very strong prices
and competition in the heavy domestic and export categories with
prices still in the mid to late 600c/kg mark.
We are starting to see secondary lambs get discounted and I believe
this will become more apparent over the next month. The mutton
market over the last month has firmed to sit around the 400c/kg
mark and should stay at these prices for the coming weeks.
On the cattle front we are seeing a record high Eastern Young Cattle
Indicator (EYCI) sitting currently at $6.59c/kg. How strong can it
get? Your guess is as good as mine.
Over the last month we have seen some very good grain fed cattle
enter the market and return some massive prices up to $3.50c/kg
and head returns of up to $2200. Feeder and restocker cattle are
reaching new levels again with restocking steers up to $4.10c/kg
and heavy feeder steers up to $3.75.
The cow market has been very sporadic with prices easing this
week. The best of our cows made up to $2.60c/kg back from $2.80c/
kg the week prior.
The next month will be an exciting one for all produces, agents and
processors trying to juggle these markets.
For any other information on markets don’t hesitate to call.
By Adam Chudleigh