Experience the beloved story of Little Orphan Annie as brought to life by the Parkes Musical & Dramatic Society. Prepare to be enchanted by this timeless tale, offering a new generation the opportunity to embrace the essence of resilience and hope.
Annie presents a captivating musical journey, featuring an unforgettable score including classics like “It’s A Hard-Knock Life,” “Easy Street,” “N.Y.C.,” the poignant “Maybe,” and the ever-optimistic anthem “Tomorrow.”
In 2005, Annie was the first non-original musical Lyn Townsend directed. 19 years on, and she is once again directing this perennial favourite. Neil Westcott is Musical Director, promising a tight, entertaining music score, with choreography by the talented Gracie Townsend
The 2024 production of Annie has a cast of 45, including 16 orphans. Lexi Herden plays the irrepressible Annie with the perfect mix of poise and spunk. Joining her is Hannah Farrant Jayet as Grace, Andrew Francis as Oliver (Daddy) Warbucks, Ruth Barnes as Miss Hannigan, Aaron Kingham as Rooster and Kimberley Ryan as Lily.
The season of Annie runs from April 20th to May 11th, with performances every Friday and Saturday night, along with Sunday matinees. Thanks to Betta Electrical Parkes, Friday night attendees have the chance to win an exciting lucky door prize! All bookings over the season go into a draw to win a 56 inch television. Join us and discover why Annie remains one of the most cherished and awarded musicals of all time. Reserve your seats now for an unforgettable evening or afternoon of entertainment.