David Fitzgerald
How long have you lived in or around Forbes? 12 years
Where do you work? CEO of Forbes Services Memorial Club (FSMC) for 12 years.
What do you enjoy the most about your work? Being part of a community orientated club that assists so many local community and sporting organisations in Forbes.
How do you start your day? Hit the ground running!
How do you like your coffee? A well made SaGaWa Cappuccino from FSMC Café.
What makes your day? Receiving feedback from club members and customers on how friendly and helpful the staff are at FSMC!
Who would you most like to have dinner with? My beautiful wife Tracey.
Where would you like to go on your dream holiday? I have no dream holiday destination but my dream holiday is anywhere as long as it is with my wife Tracey and my sons Jake, Jared and Jhye… that’s my dream holiday.