Al Carroll
How long have you lived in or around Forbes?
I actually live on the road, and have done so for about five and a half years. Before that I lived in Nambucca Heads on the North Coast.
What do you do for work?
I’ve been in Forbes for the last five weeks setting up the Solo’s rally. I am the site coordinator. I’m a volunteer, and I retired before I became a member of the CMCA Solo’s Network.
What do you do in your spare time?
I just love being on the road. That’s all I do nowadays. But I used to be a keen fisherman and I used to enjoy renovating the houses I owned.
What would be your dream holiday?
I’ve just about been to every single town in Australia, so I’m not too sure to be honest. Later this year I’ll probably end up somewhere north, in Queensland. That would be good.