You still have time to pay new membership fees before the big rush for the cut off date on Wednesday, 7th September. The membership fee is absolutely worth the money, and allows you to get the full benefit of all of the happenings at the Show. Annual membership is $40, which covers entry for you, one guest and school-aged children on both days of the show, plus parking in the Pony Club Grounds. Single membership is $30 and covers one adult and three school-aged children.
Make your dollar go further and buy a $30 sheet of tickets for only $25 no later than Thursday. These tickets can be used for rides, as well as showman’s food stalls and sideshow alley. For people entering the Pavilion events, avoid the Thursday morning rush for entry tickets by picking them up at the Show Office between 9.30am to 3.30pm on week days, or from the Glass Menagerie on Templar Street. Remember to check the schedule for the exact time sections close if you are bringing entries in on Thursday morning.
The entertainment programme will be posted on the Forbes Show Facebook page, as well as any updates. For any enquiries call Julie Hurkett on 6852 1311.