The Secret Life of Pets is from the creators of Despicable Me. It begins with a young terrier named Max who lives a great life riding through Central Park in the bicycle basket of his owner Katie. They have shared a great relationship
ever since Katie found Max when he was a puppy.
Max also has a close relationship with his friends: Chloe the cat, Gidget the pampered dog who is Max’s love interest, Mel a hyperactive dog, Sweetpea a little Budgie, and Buddy a laid-back Dachshund. One day Max’s owner Katie brought home a big brown furry dog named Duke who tries to steal away all the attention from his owner Katie. Max becomes so jealous he tries to frame Duke by causing destruction to his owner’s apartment. Duke and Max
decide to go on an adventure through the streets and find themselves caught up with a crazy bunny named Snowball and get themselves into a bit of trouble. They need to work together with Max’s other apartment friends to get out of trouble.
This was a good movie. It made me laugh a lot. I wish to see it again. This would be a good movie for kids of all ages.