This is the long awaited sequel to Finding Nemo, created 13 years after the original. It is set one year after Marlin and Dory found Nemo in Sydney, Australia. They are facing their biggest challenge yet, searching for Dory’s long lost family.
Dory was torn away from her parents when she was young and before she knew it, or could remember, she was lost. Although Dory suffered short-term memory loss, a trigger word set off a long forgotten memory of Dory’s parents and a place – the Jewel of Morro Bay in California.
Along the way Dory meets a Grumpy Octopus named Hank, and they become partners in crime. Dory shows that through persistence and determination you can achieve anything you put your mind to, which is a great lesson for the younger generation to learn. I really enjoyed this movie and would watch it again.
This film is suitable for all ages. It is a great movie to watch for the whole family. I give it five stars.
By Brayden Dukes-Rankmore