Phase two of the Forbes and District Lions Club’s disaster relief efforts began on Monday. The assistance includes vouchers for fuel, fencing and stockfeed and is aimed at those directly affected by the recent flood event. Up till now the club has provided food, water, clothing and medical supplies. “The assistance is aimed at anyone affected, but particularly our primary producers and rural residents who suffered disproportionately,” said Coordinator of the Lions Club’s disaster assistance effort Peter Bright.
Peter said this included residents of villages like Bedgerabong, Corinella and Cowal. The Forbes and District Lions Club have set up a disaster relief office in the HACC Centre on Harold Street. The office is staffed between 10am and 2pm each weekday, but it will be scaled down to 10.00am to 2.00pm on Tuesday and Thursday from the week beginning 21st November. The Australian Lions Foundation has specifically released funding for the Forbes and district flood event. Every Lions Club in Australia contributes to the fund. The funds will be available until the grant is fully distributed. “If you don’t feel comfortable visiting us at the HACC Centre, give me a call on 0419 463 803 and we can sit on a park bench or coffee shop somewhere in town,” Peter said.