We had another 2016-17 budget workshop on Monday night and everyone is working really hard to deliver a balanced budget, which is common practice each year. On Tuesday afternoon I attended a meeting in Sydney with Centroc executives, Local Government Procurement and the president of Local Government NSW in relation to the joint organisation initiative.
I will talk more about this meeting in next week’s column. I took part in the Walk to D’Feet Motor Neurone Disease on Sunday and it was very well-attended. MND is such a terrible disease and Pat Duncan and her band of helpers do an amazing job with the organisation of the event. People come from near and far to attend this event and some people had to stay in Orange and drive over that morning as accommodation in Forbes was completely
booked out. I also know that because I ended up with a mother and three children from Wollongong staying at my house.
Last Wednesday night, Councillors and staff travelled to Wirrinya to meet with residents and we had a great turn out. It was a good opportunity for Councillors to hear the issues the residents are experiencing out there. We also provided those in attendance with an update on the Rural Waste Facilities Option Plan. Council’s Grants Officer Andrew Rawsthorne was also at the meeting to discuss grant funding available to community groups. If you are looking for grant funding for a project or need help with an application,
don’t hesitate to make an appointment with Andrew by calling 6850 2327.
Have a great week, stay safe and God bless.
Mayor, Cr Phyllis Miller OAM