On Monday I attended the Newell Highway Task Force meeting in West Wyalong. There is quite a substantial investment being put into the Newell Highway and so there should be. It is one the busiest highways in Australia and it certainly needs a boost in investment. The Newell Highway brochures have a tiny hiccup this year with the Fit for the Future planning and possible amalgamations. It was decided that new brochures won’t be printed until amalgamations are confirmed.
I went along to the Forbes Rodeo on Saturday and I’ve never felt so proud. For a committee as small as it is to put on such an amazing event, Troy Read and his band of workers and committee deserve a big pat on the back. It was a great family event with great weather and everything was perfect. Only one change for next year – can we have some more food outlets, we were 50-deep and all hungry.
Our Acting General Manager Max Kershaw has fitted in very nicely into the organisation. His experience has allowed him to come in and keep everything moving along. Don’t be afraid to introduce yourself to him or if you have any issues to talk to the General Manager or myself about, don’t hesitate to make an appointment. It’s business as usual.
Next Thursday is our April Council Meeting and there is a lot on the agenda. The meeting starts at 1pm at the Council Chambers. Have a great week, stay safe and God bless.
Mayor, Cr Phyllis Miller OAM