I had the great pleasure to officially open the Local Government NSW Destination and Economy conference in Wagga this week.
There were around 200 Council staff and councillors in attendance from city and rural LGAs across NSW.
We had a really productive time addressing tourism attraction and the economy with great learning experiences from some inspiring speakers and site visits.
Talking tourism and major events, have you booked your tickets for Frost and Fire? It is another amazing line up of performers and entertainers. Frost and Fire never disappoints.
Remember Forbes Chillfest is on for the kids on Friday 21 June and then Frost and Fire is on Saturday 22 June. Book your tickets for both on 123tix before they are sold out.
Work will be starting next week on connecting sewer, water and power at the former PittStop Cafe site in preparation for the kiosk and toilets to arrive later this month.
There will be some traffic delays and parking spaces closed during this work.
That space has become such a lovely green oasis in our CBD. I’m looking forward to the next stage of construction.
We are very excited for the 50th celebrations of Arts Out West this weekend in Forbes. Arts Out West has been the peak arts body for regional arts development in the central west of NSW for over half a century.
It is an honour to celebrate this in Forbes – there is a sold out dinner on Saturday night but also four art exhibitions being opened in and around Town Hall on Saturday between 2-3pm.
The exhibitions will showcase recent work by Forbes Art Society members, Arts Out West staff, board, advisory council members as well as photography from Arts Out West media associates. See you there.
Until next week,
God bless Phyllis Miller, OAM – Forbes Mayor