Forbes has attracted yet another national retailer to town with the Reject Shop officially opening its doors on Thursday morning. Welcome to Forbes, this is a great opportunity for more jobs and a broader retail selection for shoppers and it is wonderful to have you here. The Reject Shop has over 380 shops across Australia and identified Forbes as an exciting new growth area to open up its newest retail outlet.
I am very excited to announce we have several more blocks under offer at Goldridge Estate. These will eventually be offered as house and land packages. Services such as power, water, gas and sewer are in and available to the stage 2 blocks which are being released now. So if you had your eye on a block north of Federation Boulevard then contact a Forbes Real Estate agent today.
Forbes is perceived by investors as a good return on investment for families and investors. In recent market feedback analysis it consolidated what we know about Forbes. At the moment about 60% of enquiries for Forbes are from outside the central west.
Land in Forbes, particularly Goldridge, is considered still very affordable and when combined with excellent quality education and health facilities – it is no wonder our population is one of the fastest growing in NSW.
Thank you to everyone who came along on Sunday for the walk for Molly to show how very strong and resilient our community can be.
Sunday was about Molly Ticehurst – who was taken from her son, family and friends way too soon. We paid tribute to a beautiful young woman who made everything an adventure and we called for Cabinet to favourably consider the changes to bail laws which were introduced to parliament this week.
These changes were long overdue, and while they are too late for Molly, they will make it more difficult for high risk alleged domestic violence offenders to get bail and if they do, they will be monitored.
Until next week, God bless
Phyllis Miller, OAM – Forbes Mayor