This week marks the beginning of this year’s NSW Seniors Festival. The annual two-week festival includes a range of events delivered for the community by Council, local community groups and service providers to celebrate our seniors and give them the opportunity to learn new skills, make new connections or find a new hobby.
If you are interested in joining in on the festivities, contact Council to find out more and register for our events. All of the details for the Seniors Festival events can be found in our weekly What’s On E-newsletter and on our social media pages. If you haven’t subscribed to What’s On you really need to – contact Council to ask to go onto the mailing list!
As you can appreciate repairs to the roads post flood is a massive job. Our teams are working very hard to undertake this work and unfortunately this does take time. There has already been over $10 million spent on repairing our roads this financial year with more to come. Please continue to bear with us as we work away at this massive task.
We currently have crews working on South Condobolin Road, Bedgerabong Road, New Grenfell Road and Lachlan Valley Way towards Cowra with recent heavy patching work undertaken on The Bogan Way and Warraderry Way.
If you are travelling in or around road work sites, please take care and follow the instruction of signs and traffic control officers to keep our community safe. Remember these staff are often our friends and family and they need to go home safely each night.
Until next week, God bless
Phyllis Miller, OAM – Forbes Mayor