This Friday marks for many the official start of the festive season! It is the time to officially put up your Christmas tree and decorations (if you haven’t already), revel in the sounds of Christmas carols everywhere and look forward to time with family and friends.
For our young residents now is the time to start penning letters to Santa telling him just how good you have been over the past 12 months! Letters can be posted in the special Santa Mailbox at Council’s front office – all letters will get a letter back, so please don’t forget to include your postal address.
Don’t forget the ingenuity of Rotary Ipomoea’s annual Christmas Tree Festival in the Forbes Town Hall this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I just love seeing what people come up with – there are so many clever people creating some amazing masterpieces get along and have a look.
Don’t forget too FREE child car restraint fitting checks will be held in Forbes’ Lions Park car park on Wednesday 6 December. This is perfect timing as so many prepare to travel this festive and end of year holiday season. Details on booking your spot are on our Facebook page and website.
The way we treat each other personally, professionally and socially is a basic right. At our meeting last week Council passed its Customer Service Charter and Statement of Business Ethics, which outlines what you as our customer can expect when dealing with any member of staff. It also outlines what we, as a provider, should expect from you and our obligations as an employer. It may seem like common sense, but if you are keen to know more, please head to our website or get in touch with our staff.
I want to mention again the annual Citizen of the Year Awards – plus Junior and Senior citizens.
Nominations are being taken now, forms can be downloaded from our website and returned complete via or to Council’s office. We all know someone who has given so much to our community whether it be as a volunteer or has excelled in sporting or academic fields. We love the people of our community – visiting dignitaries, tourists everyone who comes to Forbes always comments