Hello, can you believe it is less than two weeks until Christmas, how the year has flown by.
It was absolutely wonderful to see the crowd in attendance at Saturday’s Carols in the Park, so wonderful to see the spirit of the season and the community shining so bright throughout the evening. I have to take my hat off to our fantastic staff for creating a Christmas wonderland. So many positive comments, so good to see a happier ending to the year.
The Christmas carnival was also amazing with a great crowd in attendance – so many faces, so much joy. There were also many people making one of their first trips to town since the flooding has eased and what a great way to welcome them back with open arms. It is also heartening how many people are supporting our region by shopping locally. As the region rebuilds and recovers from so many losses, it is important to keep these businesses in town for so many reasons.
As the year does wind up, I also ask you to consider taking the time to look at the Forbes Housing Strategy, which will allow us to plan for the future of Forbes. Where do you see yourself in five years? Ten years? This sort of information can help guide Council in its future planning of resources, and development. You are able to have your say on the strategy until 20th December, for more information please visit our wonderful website; www.forbes.nsw.gov.au/council/tenders-public-exhibitions-and-expressions-of-interest/public-exhibitions
Enjoy your week, stay safe, and God bless.
Phyllis Miller, OAM