It is such an exciting time for our region and I want to thank the community for having trust in us to deliver all of this to you.
I had the joy of going to the International Day of People with Disability fun day at our pool this week. After having to postpone this event last year due to Covid we finally were able to come together and celebrate this very important day.
Have you taken part in the Housing Survey we are currently running? I urge you to if you can spare 5- 10 minutes. Council is putting together a Strategy to give us direction with the needs of housing in the area and we would like to get community feedback. Social housing is one of many housing factors Council will look at planning for in this strategy and we will continue to lobby State and Federal Governments to meet the estimated need for this in the Forbes Shire. Having a strong Housing Strategy in our back pocket when we lobby the politicians will be of immense benefit. Forbes is expecting significant growth in the next ten (10) years and we need to plan for the future to ensure we have the infrastructure and essential services to accommodate population growth – and that is best done by a considered and widely consulted strategy.
Head over to our Your Say page today:
Take care and God Bless.
Your Mayor,
Phyllis Miller