Happy New Year to you all. I know we are almost into the second month but as this is my first column for the year I wanted to wish you all the very best for what I hope will be a great year. I look forward to working with my fellow Councillors to bring out the best in this great Shire we live in.
The year has started however with many cases of COVID-19 in our community and as our politicians have stated it is a virus we have to learn to live with. I encourage those who are eligible to get booster shots.
The Shire is in for a busy year in the sense of the projects we have on the board to complete. Goldridge Estate is progressing very well and Stage Two is now on the market. Works continue at the old Lachlan Vintage Village to turn this space into our new Tourist Information Centre and Café.
The Lake Forbes Activation Plan beautification work will also continue this year with the turning of the old Ambulance Centre into a world-class art gallery about to begin very soon.
Our industrial land is set to expand with the development of more sites at Central West Industrial Park. As our industrial site and Landrace is nearly at capacity proving business is growing here in Forbes, and we need to provide the land for it to do so.
Take care and God Bless.
Your Mayor,
Phyllis Miller