On Tuesday we had a meeting with the Australia Rail Track Corporation in relation to the Inland Rail project. It is extremely exciting that this project is getting closer to becoming a reality. It was also heartening to see that community members visited the information sessions held in the Town Hall on Monday afternoon.
Our new General Manager Danny Green started this week and he is fitting in very well. Danny brings with him a range of experience and we are very pleased to welcome him to Forbes. At our budget meeting last week Council resolved to commit to a partnership with the Forbes Triathlon, providing $15,000 a year for the next three years towards the event, which is fantastic.
The Centroc Road Transport Technical Committee is in the process of developing a regional strategy to update crucial road links within the Centroc Council areas. This will be extremely beneficial when we are lobbying for funding.
I can’t impress enough that when our unsealed roads are closed to vehicles over 3 tonnes in wet conditions, if they are driven on your insurance is at risk if there is an accident. We are very mindful to do all we can to keep our roads open.
The Tai Chi classes Council sponsored with Cheryl Shirvington and Sandra Nicholson at the Uniting Church Hall have been very successful. The classes will continue on Tuesdays after the school holidays, with the first from 10am to 11am on July 19.
Have a great week, stay safe and God bless.
Mayor, Cr Phyllis Miller OAM