This week I attended the National General Assembly of Local Government in Canberra with Deputy Mayor Graeme Miller. There were many and varied topics on the agenda including NBN blackspots and mobile phone coverage issues as well as funding opportunities through the Federal Government.
On Thursday afternoon Riverina MP Michael McCormack was in town to announce $10,500 for the Forbes Amateur Swimming Club. This funding was made possible through the Stronger Communities Program and will help bring the clubhouse up to scratch. Our Grants Officer Andrew Rawsthorne did a great job in helping the swimming club apply for this grant. If you need any help with grant applications, don’t hesitate to give him a call.
I attended the official opening of the Parkes Regional Airport upgrade and the dedication of the late Robert Wilson Terminal on Thursday morning. Robert was a great Local Government colleague and a wonderful mayor of Parkes Shire Council for 23 years. It was lovely to see his family representing him at the occasion.
The Federal Election is just around the corner on 2nd July and pre-polling starts at the Town Hall on Monday. Absentee voting is also available during a Federal Election, make sure you don’t forget to vote. With the amount of rain we have had this week, please don’t drive in flood water and if you are driving in wet weather, drive very carefully.
Have a great week, stay safe and God bless.
Mayor, Cr Phyllis Miller OAM