The Forbes PA and H Association will introduce lawnmower racing to this year’s Forbes Show for the first time. The decision to introduce the novelty
event was made at the Association’s recent AGM and Awards ceremony at the Vandenberg Hotel.
Association publicity officer Lucy Pearce said the new event should add a great atmosphere to this year’s show. “It should be plenty of fun for the crowd,
and be something new for Forbes locals to watch, and potentially take part in,” she said.
The event will be titled ‘Show Mow Lawnmower Racing’, and is hoped to be one of the main attractions at this year’s show, which will run on September 9 and 10. The meeting also saw the Association elect their committee and present their annual awards.
‘M & A Dent’ took out the CB Mahlo Shield for Championship Wheat, while ‘Bogabigal Pastoral Co’ won the I Sweeney Shield for the Canola Crop Competition. ‘T & C Morrison Partnership’ won the Greenwood Shield for the Barley Crop Competition, and ‘PM & NG Cronin’ won the Glamis Shield for 1st Cross Ewes.
All other popular activities that have run in the past will also be on show at this year’s Forbes Show, with agriculture, rides, performances and pavilion displays all adding to what is tipped to be a great show this year.