It’s time for another one of my favourite events – Welcome to Forbes to be held on Thursday 15 August. Are you new to Forbes? Is there someone new at work, school or in your neighbourhood – then please invite them to come along. This is a really lovely night for our new residents to get to know our council, service and community groups and other community members. Come along if you haven’t had a chance to attend before and want to be more involved in the community.
This time we will be greeting our new residents at the Forbes Golf & Sportsman’s Hotel, starting at 5.30pm for 6pm.
For further information please email RSVPs closed on Thursday but I am sure we can sneak a few more in. Looking forward to seeing you all there.
Final stages of works will begin on Monday to complete the surface around the new Claret Ash trees in Lachlan Street. Now the nine new trees have settled, our crews will be on site to complete the paving and will be putting the final touches on the new green boulevard. During the works, expected to take three weeks, there will be traffic control in place and minor traffic delays. Work will start at the northern end of Lachlan Street on Monday with the Pitt Stop side of the road closed. As the work progresses traffic control and conditions will change. We appreciate your patience during the work and are excited about bringing more green in into our CBD.
Thank you to those who attended our 14th Be Road Ready for Harvest Field Day at the Central West Livestock Exchange.
Our overall aim is to ensure road safety at harvest and this is why we offer the opportunity to learn about current rules and regulations as well as a hands on machinery display. It is always a good morning and a great breakfast. If you missed the event at Forbes you can still attend one of the satellite events at Tottenham on 27th August, Parkes Show on 28th August, Wirrinya on 29th August or Bogan Gate 30th August.
God Bless
Phyllis Miller OAM