Forbes Sheep Sale
Conducted 09/02/2016
Yarded 38163 including 28036 lambs. Lamb quality was again very good and buyers were presented with good numbers of prime lambs of all weights. There were 4000 merino lambs included. Competition was quite strong again but at rates a little easier. Light lambs suitable for re-stockers were unchanged but trade weight lambs were $2 to $3 cheaper and heavy lambs were back by just $3 to $5 as were merino lambs compared to last week’s sale.
Trade weight Lambs (18-22kg)
$103.00 to $136.00
Heavy Lambs (23-26kg)
$140.00 to $158.00
Extra Heavy Lambs (over 26kg)
$150.00 to $199.00
Store Lambs
$65.00 to $115.00
Heavy merino Lambs
$128.00 to $162.00
Trade weight Merino Lambs
$99.00 to $126.00
$74.00 to $115.00
There were 10127 grown sheep yarded. The market was irregular but the better merino sheep held close to last week’s rates. However crossbreds eased $4 to $5 and plainer light grades were also easier.
Merino Wethers
$73.00 to $126.00
Woolly Merino Ewes
$72.00 to $119.00
Shorn merino Ewes
$65.00 to $88.00
XB Ewes
$70.00 to $106.00
Light Sheep
$17.60 to $72.00
Merino Rams
$65.00 to $83.00