At their most recent meeting, the members of Forbes Rotary Club agreed to hold a special Rotary awareness meeting on Friday the 16th of April 2024 at 6pm for 6.15pm at the Forbes Services Club.
60 invitations have been sent out to potential new Rotarians in the 30 to 50 age group in an attempt to gain new membership to keep our club operating and solve the problem of the current lack of office bearers in the club who are willing to continue on as executive members to run the club.
A finger food menu for the meeting which will be provided at no charge for attending guests as this will be covered by donations from current members who are anxious to keep the Forbes Rotary Club continue its service work to the local, national and international communities.
The deadline for RSVPs for those wishing to attend this function is 6pm on Friday, 12 th April.
For those residents who would like to attend this evening and did not receive an invitation please phone, text or email our Forbes Rotary Secretary, Grahame Uphill on 0427 640 065 or email Current President, Chris Finkel also said he would like
RSVPs from all current members and Friends of Rotary to add to the total of attendees.
Chris then stated: “We can only hope that with the forthcoming Rotary Awareness evening we can gain enough new members to rejuvenate and reactivate our club to what it was when I first became a Rotarian at the age of 37. My request to our current members is to ask one or two of their younger associates or friends along to next week’s meeting and consider helping us out.”
Rotary International theme for 2023/24 is “Create Hope in the World”.