At a recent meeting between the Eugowra Promotion and Progress Association and the Rotary Club of Forbes it was agreed that The Forbes Rotary Club would donate sufficient funds to be able to replace the trees and plants which were either lost or damaged in the grounds of the Eugowra Self-Care Units in during the November 2022 floods. In addition to that, Forbes Rotary agreed to assist with funds for the re-landscaping of the area surrounding the Self-Care units in Nanima Street Eugowra.
A spokesperson from Forbes Rotary this week said all that was now needed were enough volunteer workers from Forbes to put there hands up to assist with replanting of shrubs and plants and the re-landscaping. The first working bee will commence work this Saturday the 9th of December at the Self-Care Unit site in Nanima Street, Eugowra, with more work to continue on in the New Year. There will be plenty of cool drinks and shade available and “We’ll all go home after mid-day when it gets too hot” said Chris Finkel, the current president of Forbes Rotary. Members of the other Forbes Rotary Club, Forbes Ipomoea, will also be there, however, with both Forbes Rotary Clubs, the active member numbers are limited and that is why younger volunteers are required to help out. “The more volunteers we have, the quicker we’ll be able to finish the project” said Chris. “Most of the flood damage in
Forbes from last year has been rectified, however, our sister town of Eugowra still has a fair way to go before it returns to the pre-flood period looks of earlier last year” he concluded.
For further details concerning the project please contact Chris Finkel on 0429 661 358 or Sue Fabish from the Self-Care Unit Management Committee on 0447 735 414