The Forbes Neighbourhood Watch group has been running for over 30 years now, but the group has dwindled down to around 10 members and a number of those members are in their 80’s and 90’s.
The group is putting a call out for new members to come along and join in and share ideas. The group works in conjunction with police to strive for a safe community. Let’s all be vigilant in locking up our cars and houses, and if you see something suspicious, call Forbes police or crime stoppers.
The Forbes Neighbourhood Watch group go along to school fetes, they hold BBQs at Bunnings etc, they are keen to get out amongst the community and spread the word about ways to stay safe and who to contact in case of an emergency.
Neighbourhood Watch isn’t just about stopping local crime, it is also about checking on your neighbours and making sure they’re okay.
Please contact Lyn Ward 0417 536 619 our President of Forbes Neighbourhood Watch, with any questions regarding joining up.
The group meet up on the second Wednesday of each month at The Vandenberg Hotel and all are welcome and encouraged to attend.
There are plenty of volunteer positions available. We need helpers at BBQ events, helpers to liaise re our meetings and outings, we need someone to take photos, hand out pamphlets, make coffee, welcome people. We have the position of secretary and treasurer available. We also need a social media coordinator. If you don’t want a job, come along anyway, your input is welcome.