Forbes Cattle Sale
Conducted 29/06/2015
There were 1104 yarded. Competition was once again strong with most cattle dearer . Prime yearlings were 4 to 8c a kilo better, with feeder cattle 10 to 15c dearer. Heavy steers were fully firm but cows improved another 10c compared to last week’s sale.
Prime yearling steers up to 440kgs
290.0c to 325.0c
Prime yearling heifers up to 440kgs
270.0c to 313.0c
Feeder steers
250.0c to 329.0c
Heavy Steers over 500kgs
289.0c to 318.0c
Heavy Heifers
240.0c to 280.2c
Cows – 2 score
200.0c to 213.0c
Cows – 3 score
210.0c to 236.0c
Heavy Bulls
0c to 262.0c