Forbes Cattle Sale
Conducted 29/02/2016
There were 1458 yarded. Quality was good comprising mostly yearlings, a few heavy steers and the usual run of cows. Competition was keen and all classes of cattle remained unchanged or fully firm compared to last week’s sale.
Prime yearling Steers up to 440kgs
292.0c to 330.0c
Prime yearling Heifers up to 440kgs
283.0c to 311.0c
Feeder Steers
300.0c to 336.0c
Heavy Steers over 500kgs
282.0c to 300.0c
Heavy Heifers
256.0c to 280.0c
Cows – 2 score
210.0c to 226.0c
Cows – 3 score
227.0c to 241.0c
Heavy Bulls
to 280.0c