It has been great to have some warmer weather this week, which means some of our roads have had a chance to recover. However there are still a number of roads closed due to water damage – Corridgery Road, Warroo Road, Limestone Road, School Road and Forest Road.
If you haven’t filled in your Census yet, please remember to make sure you are counted. Even though the last Fill in a Form Session was held on Wednesday, Council staff are still more than happy to help you if need be. Contact Amy or Blake at Council on 6850 2300.
Yesterday was the last meeting for the current term of Council and the Council Election will be held on Saturday, 10th September. Pre-polling starts in the Council Chambers from next Monday, 29th August.
The Forbes Business Chamber is hosting a Meet the Candidates Forum at the Forbes Services Memorial Club from 6pm on Tuesday, 30th August. This is a good opportunity for community members to hear what the candidates have to say.
At 11am next Tuesday, Forbes NAIDOC celebrations will start at the Wiradjuri Dreaming Centre. After the Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony, community members will march to South Circle Oval for an afternoon of Indigenous games and food as well as a performance by Comedian, Sean Choolburra. Everyone is welcome to attend.