Forbes High School held their 50 Year Celebrations over the weekend and many ex students and teachers travelled to Forbes to take part. Forbes High School, originally located in Browne Street, was officially opened at 18 Wyndham Avenue on the 13th November 1965 by the then Deputy Premier and Minister for Education and Science , the Honourable C B Cutler ED MLA. This year marked the 50th Anniversary and the school celebrated the occasion with a Cocktail Party at the Forbes Inn on Saturday night and morning tea and a tour of the school on the Sunday.
Everyone who attended the cocktail party thoroughly enjoyed the night and there was a great mix of ex-students, teachers and current staff. High School Principal, Charles Dwyer welcomed guests and invited them to attend the school tour the following day. Wendy Fraser (nee McFarland) was the first school captain at the new High School and spoke of her memories at Forbes High and of her achievements since leaving school. Brianna Cotterill, graduating student in 2014, currently studying music at Wollongong University travelled home to perform
and delighted attendees with her easy listening selection. The live entertainment continued thanks to the Forbes Inn and the Hodge family.
The school tour and morning tea the following day proved very popular with more than ninety people touring the school and inspecting the facilities including the commercial kitchen, industrial arts rooms, language lab, science labs and school hall. Many were amazed at the standard of the facilities and how technology has improved
learning experiences. Students who attended the school in the early years were in ore of the trees, gardens and lawn areas, and compared it to the baroness of the site when they first moved there in 1965. Morning tea in the
library was an opportunity to further reminisce with school friends and teachers and the school magazines on display proved most popular.