CanAssist received $18,100 from the Forbes Services Club on Wednesday from the ticket sales for the Dancing With The Stars charity night to be held on 5th November at the Club. The response to the ticket sales was fantastic with a sellout within seven hours. David Fitzgerald, General Manager of the Club said: “The Club is proud to be the host venue by way of providing assistance and support for the event, which is such a good cause and encourages the whole community to come together to support those suffering from the illness. This is another example of the way the whole of Forbes supports these charities.” Maureen Field, Treasurer of CanAssist said: “At the moment we have given $60,000 a year for patience assistance and this is all done through donations and events such as this, as we receive no Government grants. Special thanks should go to Therese Gunn and Cassandra Tyack, who along with all members of CanAssist have done such a fabulous job.”
On the night of Dancing with The Stars, with all contestants unknown, there will be an auction and raffle prizes to be won. These were sponsored by local businesses who made the event possible.