The Forbes Arts Society had its first display for the year during the week, with the exhibition “Ninety Seven” showing at Town Hall. “Ninety Seven” displayed the works of Grenfell-based artists Kathleen McCue and Nina Roderick, and was named according to the number of pieces on display, which was 97.
Coincidentally, both Ms McCue and Ms Roderick went to art school together in
1997, however this played no role in coming to the name. The exhibition started last Wednesday and finished this afternoon (March 24). It was officially opened by Forbes Mayor Phyllis Miller last Saturday, with around 30 arts enthusiasts turning up for the opening.
Forbes Arts Society Secretary Klara Ward said the exhibition offered more than just paintings, which displays normally wholly consist of. “Kathleen had lots of paintings of flowers, but she also had some really interesting
sculptures, including one made out of farming pieces,” she said. “So it’s been great to have some more variety.
Most of our displays only have paintings.” Ms McCue is known best for her upscale paintings of flowers that focus on their form, sculptural characteristics, and play light on their petals. Ms Roderick has only recently moved into professional artwork, and before that enjoyed creating art as a relaxation technique, according to her exhibition biography.
The exhibition displays paintings by her of wildlife amongst other images.
Ms Ward said the Society was happy to be up and running for the year.
Its other events for the year include a photography competition, Landscape of Forbes Shire art competition, and the Heritage Festival.