The Forbes Sportsperson of the Year Association enjoyed another very successful year in 2015. Many of the bodies of the sport played within the town or in its surrounding areas, nominated individuals or teams for our annual presentation awards night held in February. Those sporting bodies that don’t nominate any individual or team for the relevant award, I believe miss the opportunity to congratulate them for their input into their sport throughout the year. To be nominated by your peers must surely be a highlight of your sporting year.
Firstly, may I thank the SOYA committee (be it small in number) for their hard work, support and general good nature that has made the years involvement a pleasure. Special thanks must go to Anita Morrison for her outstanding work as Secretary and Sue Uphill in her role as Treasurer. As I stated in previous years, their organisational skills are an absolute credit to them, and a bonus
to us. Secondly, thanks to all the sporting clubs that support our organisation.
Thirdly, thank you to all the local businesses who so generously supported us
financially throughout the year and on our presentation night. Without your support we would not be able to exist. Fourthly, to the judges. A difficult job, but done with what I believe to be very fair and unbiased decisions.
Whilst talking of our presentation night, may I thank “The Girls” for running the night on their own due to all the “Male” committee members having work commitments out of Forbes on the evening. The guest speaker was well received, we thank Anita again for organising, Tom Cusack and wish him well
in his pursuit of glory at the Rio Olympics as a member of the Australian Rugby 7’s team.
Lastly, thanks and congratulations to all the sportsmen and women of Forbes for being such “Good Sports”. Hopefully gaining the enjoyment and satisfaction that sport is able to provide makes it all worthwhile for the
hard work at training and playing. Lets hope that 2016 unearths much sporting talent that we can celebrate at our next SOYA Awards Night.
By Andrew Norton-Knight
President Forbes SOYA