Forbes Youth Week 2016 kicked off on Wednesday May 4 with a Super Mega Fun Day held at Forbes High School. The council initiative is a recognition of our youth, and the contribution they make to the community. As the name suggests, Super Mega Fun Day is all about fun, and plenty of it was happening at Forbes High School. The Forbes Shire Council provided a range of activities for the students, as well as a sausage sizzle.
Clarissa Stewart, the Forbes Shire Council’s Youth Development Assistant, and Blake Nicholson, the Forbes Shire Council’s Community Relations Officer cooked up 700 sausages to serve to the hungry students. School Principal, Charles Dwyer, explained “the idea of the games is to get the kids interacting together, and the awards, on Thursday 5, are to recognise achievement across various categories, not just for Forbes High School, but across the town”.
The Mega Fun Day is all about inclusion, and students enjoyed the social time with not only their peers, but also the staff. An officer from Forbes Police turned up to support the Mega Fun Day, remarking that it was a positive event for youth week, and a good time to interact and get to know the kids. Students enjoyed the police presence and had many questions.
A representative from Forbes Shire Council attended the day to talk to interested students about the new rubbish bin collection system in Forbes. He gave away water bottles and keyrings, and was available to answer questions.
The activities were popular, with mechanical bull riding, inflated glove wrestling, sumo suit wrestling, and others. The mechanical bull proved to be a real challenge throwing students off at varied time intervals onto the inflatable bull pit. Students were having a ball, enjoying the sunshine, sausages and activities.